September 2019 – Newsletter

Getting Hyper-Personal With Your Customers
Customer-oriented businesses have long known that the ever-evolving economy requires them to stay ahead of customer trends and preferences and to respond to these factors. What does the snapshot of customer preferences look like today?

According to a recent survey by SalesForce, 70% of customers say that an understanding of how they use products and services is important to winning their business, and 59% reported that tailored engagement based on prior interactions is equally crucial. This might seem surprising in our fast-paced, high-tech world but: quality first, speed second.

Even large companies heed this advice. Zappos, the online shoe and clothing retailer, has a policy of responding personally, and often with humor, to each and every email they receive—even those sent to the CEO. They’re equally known for spending as long as necessary on the phone with customers, so much so that Tonight Show host Jimmy Fallon spent a world record 10 hours and 29 minutes with reps! No need to go quite that far, but the personal touch is clearly a critical component for customer happiness.

Along these lines, connect with your customer and “ditch the script.” Not only will your employees have more flexibility to adapt to individual customer needs, they’ll likely appreciate the creative license it gives them to flex their wings.

Another aspect of making today’s customers happy, according to HubSpot’s 2018 Service Expectations Survey, is understanding that while they prefer the quickest channel to reach someone in customer service, customers also want that service to be personalized. In fact, 76% of consumers say they want the companies they’ve done business with to remember who they are and their history with the company. At the end of the day, the survey found that a higher proportion of consumers valued having personalized service over quicker service. So again, take the time to get to know your customer.

Finally: follow up. The only way you can make sure that the customer has walked away happy is to ask, whether in person, via a follow-up email or phone call, or a web-based survey. And don’t lose this feedback—by tying it into their next interaction, you’ll be sure to show them that what they think really made an impact. Far better to learn it from them than from an online rating site!

Taking time to invest in your customers is making an investment back into your business. Remember, your company’s legacy should be personal touch and interaction that leads to long-term customer relationships.
You Care We Care Award
This quarter, we were proud to present Samantha Haines, Tax Manager, with RS&F’s “You Care, We Care Award” for her work with Autism Speaks. Each year, Sam gathers a group of friends and family to help raise awareness and money for Autism Speaks, an organization that provides programs and resources for families and friends of those who fall on the spectrum. RS&F is thrilled to make a donation in Sam’s name to this outstanding organization!

40 Tips for 40 Years!

Do what hasn’t been done.
You take the credit, we process the debit.
Only accountants can save the world…Through peace, goodwill, and reconciliations!
For new entrants to the workforce: do not take anything personal, do not be afraid to ask questions, and ask for criticism in order to evolve your work ethic.
Always be open to new opportunities when offered.
Invest in yourself.
Develop a “give to get” philosophy – it will pay off.
The “Power of Nice” works.
Know when to call it a day. Often, you need to step away from a spreadsheet or challenging task and reset for the next day.
If you are unhappy with something, realize that you have three options: accept it, leave it or change it.
Leverage the power of the cloud by catching up on work tasks during down time (such as waiting for others) instead of checking Facebook.
Understand that you will never grow if you don’t allow yourself to be vulnerable and move out of your comfort zone.
Always maintain a growth mindset.
The ability to adapt and be flexible will be a big contributor to your success.
Understand the difference between being a boss and a leader.
All other things are equal, hard work can always be a differentiator.
Debits must equal credits, and your trial balance must net to zero.
Understand that technical expertise alone is not nearly as powerful as technical expertise combined with emotional intelligence.
Work hard, play hard.
Same as last year is correct 90% of the time.
Help create a positive environment in the office by saying at least 5 positive things to co-workers each day.
When in doubt…reboot.
Proper Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance (6Ps).
No question is a bad question.
Do not take work too seriously – there is a lot more to life than work.
Look both ways before you cross the road!
Look where you’re going or go where you’re looking.
Be prepared and focused.
Never stop learning.
For budding entrepreneurs, be on time, be persistent, be a listener, and dress appropriately.
Tips for the new tax accountant: familiarize yourself with Quick Finder book to become tax savvy.
Ask questions, but don’t ask the same question twice.
The firm, just as a family, will have your back no matter what.
At the end of every day, take stock of what you learned and what befuddled you, so that you can be better tomorrow.
Treating others with respect and kindness makes for happy employees.
A good tip is 20%, a better tip is giving it your all.
Lou Sapperstein is really easy to sneak up on and scare.
Work with a smile: work has to be done either way, might as well do it with a smile.
Make it a habit to under promise and over deliver.
You will have a satisfied client who wants to remain a client if you have one good idea that we can execute, implement, and communicate with positive results.

Here are a few articles we thought might interest you:

Tax Strategy: What’s new for 2019 tax returns

Democrats’ Emerging Tax Idea: Look Beyond Income, Target Wealth
17 US cities where retirement is affordable, taxes are reasonable, and healthcare costs less
Is it time to switch income tax with a sales tax?
IRS Adds More Health Care Related Tax Benefits
Private sector added 195,000 jobs in August, says ADP
Mining the tax return for planning opportunities

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